Customer Reviews of Holyland Zeolite Detox Cleanse
Before we get to zeolite reviews, here is an simplified overview of zeolite detox benefits
Zeolite is a type of mineral that can help remove heavy metals, chemicals and other toxins from our bodies. Heavy metals are elements like lead, mercury, and arsenic that can be harmful to our bodies if we are exposed to too much of them. Zeolite attracts the heavy metals and traps them so they can be safely removed.
Using a verifiably pure zeolite clinoptilolite powder is critical because it is the most effective type of zeolite for removing heavy metals and because it is the safest. Zeolite acts like a sponge that absorbs the harmful elements, keeping them away from our bodies. This helps keep us healthier, more energized ... and helps support our liver and kidneys in their role to detoxify the body.
Users of zeolite report better gastrointestinal function, less fatigue, more balanced pH and more. You may need more or less zeolite powder depending on the severity of your toxic load and other factors. We recommend visiting Dr. Howard Pieper's for specific dosing information.
Let's hear Zeolite Reviews from a few Holyland Zeolite Cleanse Customers
In a 5-star review from Libby L., she titled her zeolite reivew: "Detoxed plus Energy & Focus," and states that she tried many things to deal with "low-energy, brain fog and general edginess that I’m told came from metal build up". After several weeks of using Holyland Zeolite, "mainly for its metal detox and cleanse," she said, "I'm also able to think clearly and have a ton more energy. So thankful!"
Zeolite is a "Lifesaver for digestion problems"
In this customer zeolite powder review, B. Grosshans, says, "I've always had a sensitive stomach and its gotten worse with age." He states he's read about Zeolite helping IBS, Crohns, and digestive inflammations and so decided to give it a try.
"Wow, does this stuff calm my whole digestive track!" he says. And after researching, he was taking Holyland Zeolite cleanse 3 times a day. "Even after the first dose I noticed a difference and was only taking it once a day to see if I had any adverse reactions." He says it cleared up his issues to the point that he doesn't have to take anything for heartburn/indigestion/inflammation anymore.
"I wish I would have learned about this supplement sooner as I've went through many trials with products such as Lansoprazole, Mylanta, and Tums to name a few that helped, but I felt wasn't doing anything to heal." He also tried probiotics, teas, and herbal supplements but says, "Nothing else has worked like this has, it takes care of my issues of heartburn/indigestion/inflammation which is burning in my lower digestive track. I feel a lot better, and seem to have more energy as I think I am digesting and absorbing more of what I eat."
"The White Portions of My Eyes Were Yellow"
In this customer zeolite review, "L.I." says "My white portion of my eyes were yellow for many years". He states that after taking this Zeolite one scoop a day for three months (in addition to having celery juice and lemon water in the mornings) "the yellow disappeared and white portion of my eyes has been restored!" "My blood test came back perfect and my Doctor said, continue whatever you’re doing because it’s working."
Heavy Metal Detox from Silver Fillings. "Toxins attached to my fat cells!"
In this review from a Holyland Zeolite powder user, "C.S." describes the journey of starting a cleanse to target heavy metals from old school silver fillings. The zeolite binds to those heavy metals so the body can eliminate them as waste. In the process, this user had weight loss from zeolite detox as well.
"I also lost 5 pounds without eating any differently. So I know some toxins were attached to my fat cells," she said.
Every Body is Different. Zeolite Detox Results Vary. How Will a Zeolite Cleanse Benefit Your Health?
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