Based on 1115 reviews

Flavorless, easy to take, & I quickly noticed my body's releasing/cleansing had 'stepped up a notch'.

AMAZING! Best detox product, it helped me so much I will probably keep it in the cabinet for things that come up even after my initial complaint is gone. Heartily Recommend it! All it does is remove toxins and heavy metals, absorbing and carrying them out of your body, that is it! But that turns out to be a lot! No side effects other than you will eliminate the heavy metals and toxins, so prepare to set aside a few extra minutes in the bathroom. Not bad, nothing dramatic though, and I felt better, my swelling receding in a couple days and the dizzy feeling after some meals dropped to nothing! Ankle swelling is way down and some days gone. I am taking only a couple drops in pure water twice a day and as I remember that i do better and better. If i slack off I find myself feeling less well. Brain fog way less common, and if I am exposed to allergens I take it immediately! I am sure with continued use I will be doing quite well! If you have been exposed to heavy metals as in fillings or in foods or toxins as in pesticides as we mostly all have been, this will make a world of difference, and you will notice quickly. I like the complete lack of harmful side effects and the relatively small dosage needed. Its not gritty nor does it taste bad like some! Regal is the best brand and has the most concentration of product, so go for that one! Shipping went all aok, no problems, good quality, appropriately packaged.

I have been battling severe CFS due to Epstein Barr for years now. I got tested and found that there are heavy metals and large amounts of contaminants in my system. Having worked on military bases I know why. Natural doctor told me I should be in a sauna to sweat out toxins and take this stuff. Well I was skeptical. I've been getting in my jacuzzi hot tub for about 45 min and taking zetox at least 1 dropper full daily after I exit the tub. I have also started drinking minerals afterwards. Surprisingly it's starting to work. I am starting to feel better slowly but surely. It's not an overnight process and is kinda like 2 steps forward 1 step back. Also people who have a reaction to it might be herxing. It's worth a try if you have chronic conditions.

I take a holistic approach to my health. I have worried for years about heavy metals in my system from all the childhood vaccinations and military vaccinations I was forced to take. Then in healthcare, I was forced to take vaccinations to work. For the past 30 years, I’ve had occipital joint pain where the skull rests on the axis. Literally in my skull everyday - every single day. I took the Zetox in the morning and evening, just one day, and the skull pain was gone the next day. It’s still gone!!!! It’s been 10 days and it’s still gone. I take it every other day now, 1/2 dose and feel 100% better in my joints - especially my feet and the base of my skull. I can’t say enough about this.HIGHLY RECOMMEND this product.

We all have heavy metal in our bodies. If we have had a vaccine, they have aluminum, mercury, and fermadihide in them. And Pfizer's vaccine will have propylene glycol in it, they aren't safe. A doctor that I listen to gives people an IV detox for heavy metals. Zetox makes me feel great after taking it and I have better feeling in my feet and legs now after only about two weeks. Zetox is also the cheapest that I could find on the internet. I take it in the morning on an empty stomach and then wait for a while to eat. The first time I took it I felt a healing feeling go over my body and I didn't want it to go away so I didn't eat for over an hour. This great stuff.

This product is very effective because it is non-GMO and is a pure quality which makes it work...I would stock up if you can cause I WILL

I'll try to keep it simple so everybody understands... My lymphatic system was extremely clogged up. I was very bloated, up to 2 sizes bigger, my ankles and my tights were swelling and swelling to to my body's inability to get rid of toxins and dead bacteria, following a medical regimen to address an auto immune disease. Nothing worked!! I am intolerant to charcoal and bentonite, and everything else was just not making a cut. I ran into this product and I go "What the heck! Let’s try it!". Boy, that was the best whim I have ever had... I started on a very low dosage, like 4 drops 2X a day. It worked immediately!! I feel so much more energized, the swelling is decreasing day by day and I feel overall soooo much better. I need to make sure to take it early in the day otherwise the powerful B12 keeps me up till late at night.. I don't mind, I can accomplish so much more during the day as never before. I feel my mind clear and I my ability to focus as gone way up compared to just 1 week ago. I have to drink industrial quantities of water, though. It really helps in driving out the toxins and so I feel it each and every time. My system also backs up pretty easily but with this product I found it very easy to overcome the side effects. I am so happy!! I don't always post reviews, honestly, but this product has made a huge difference with me and I am very grateful to this company. I have also noticed a couple of negative reviews posted not only on this particular Zeolite, but also on several others across Amazon. I felt compelled to expose the lies since, in my views, such so-called "doctors" writing the negative reviews are nothing but some big-Pharma sponsored trolls who are spreading lies and instilling doubts in people's mind in order to deter the pursuing of any workable alternative solution to their problems but just continue to be sick for life and turn patients into life-long customers. Can't stand it. If this worked with me, it really works.

I feel great,using this product, I gave to my mom she is 95 years old.

We have ordered the brand of zeolite for years on amazon and other sites, last 2 orders do not look like the same product. The liquid is more clear not as opaque and seems to be diluted or watered down so to speak, nevertheless it is not the same we will not be ordering this anymore

So far so good. I will be ordering more

Starting taking this when my occupational therapist noticed I was puffy and had numerous pains in my body. Took twice a day for a week and once a week therafter. The puffiness subsided and my back pain is greatly improved. Started giving it to my husband because it has been shown to help with memory issues.

A friend suggested TRG and I reviewed the ingredients. Their product is about $200 for a two month supply. I found this one with a super bonus of B vitamins!!! I have MS and since starting it has changed my pain sensations dramatically!!!! I had a constant zinging on the bottom of my feet even while taking MS medication for nerve damage. Now the zinging is gone. I have more energy. Like a nice amount that gets me through the day instead of surviving hour to hour until bedtime.If you have chronic pain. Try itIf you have low energy from chronic pain. Try itIf you smoke. Try it. I have had a cigarette since starting. Been 2 months. No cravings!!Yes it seems to good to be true. It’s been hard adjusting. But in such a good way.Good luck and really try it!!!

My speech delayed child noticeably had less agitation with in the first few days. Her focus is better when doing tasks. Within two weeks she had begun using 4 new words with consistency. Our speech process has been so slow to this point that it's hard to believe this product didn't help facilitate these changes. We will continue using daily and define will buy again.

Unsure how well this works but the taste is great and seems promising

Exactly what we wanted - very happy. To quote my partner, “It is good.”

We started using this on July 28. I specifically picked this brand because of the data as well as the taste. My children love peppermint and they have a gag reflex. They took it very easily. Both my boys, 5 & 9, took .5 of a dose morning and night (100ml zeolite total). 20 days in, we increased to .75 (150ml zeolite total). Both boys did experience stomach discomfort at about 7-10 days and my younger boy had diarrhea for 2 days. At around 40 days we increased the dose to a full 1ml serving (200ml zeolite total) both day and night. At day 50 we are now adding in powder zeolite in addition to this liquid brand bringing their total zeolite to 1.2g daily.After 30 days, I started seeing results. From day 30-40 my son (5) with Autism gained a years’ worth of language. He suddenly understood almost everything and could communicate back in complete sentences. He could explain his feelings, talk in past, present, future, AND finally tell me what he did at school or what he wanted for dinner OR his name when I asked. We are about at 50 days in as of today. We noticed 2 days ago a breakthrough in his motor skills. We are learning that other autistic children follow this same pattern with chelation. First language, motor, then mood. We are hoping to see a mood improvement in the future but have not as of yet. From what I have read, it took children 6 months to improve their mood, and a full 2-4 years of detoxing to phase out of the autism/ADHD diagnosis.My ADHD son (9) had smaller positive changes with his ability to focus and understand. His teacher didn't even think he fit the category of ADHD and was a pleasure to have in class.As on now, I will be continuing this chelation process for at least 6 months. We added in powder zeolite yesterday, getting the dose up to 1.2g of zeolite total. With the success of the liquid, we will remain taking it regardless. I believe the liquid has a 0-11 microgram range and the powder has a 0-40. I am waiting confirmation. A range is impor.

ALOT of chem-trails lately and I grab this right away along with my ivermectin when I see the plane's, along with a respirator mask if outside.I can definitely see it working by the color of my urine, which will darken slightly at first.

I feel like only a couple of days on this that my mind is clearer.

My 3 year speech delayed daughter began taking Zetox twice per day since July 13, 2022 !! So far its been an amazing journey seeing positive results with support from speech therapy 2x per week. My daughter came from having about 10 words in her vocabuarly and as of two weeks ago she is able to say her ABC's , identify colors, and can count 1-10. I also noticed that postitive behavior changes, she is now pointing more, requesting items, and interacting with her little sister/others. I am extreamly happy with this product we are on our second bottle now.

I started giving this to my son slowly, 3 drops 3x a day. I read to increase by 1 drop every week until you reach 10 drops 3x a day. Within a couple days of starting, my non verbal 3 year old began using words. He is making more eye contact, started saying hi to people and waving bye. He is pointing more. It is amazing, this is only week 2. His ABA therapists are impressed by his sudden progress. Miracle.Update: it has not been quite 2 months since starting zeolite and my son has achieved all of his goals at ABA therapy, they have had to change and write new goals twice in the past month and a half! We no longer need his tablet to assist with communication. He talks! It's still hard to understand him but he is getting there! It is amazing! I will warn you though, expect poop to be very compact and might look a little like rabbit poop. It's just the body cleaning out the heavy metals. Encourage the fruits and veggies!

Seems to be improving my focus and mood

It's easy to use, good taste, noticed difference in a week! I switched from a powder Zeolite to this. I started to feel better. Would buy again!